
Maxime is a woman of about forty, free, modern and a private-eye. Free because at 22 she left one world to invent another for hersel. She smokes three packs of cigarettes a day, sleeps in her clothes and, for her very private nights, prefers women and young men. A detective, but not in the traditional sense, more like a taxi driver, a job with attachments, where she brings a little of others' lives home with her at night. She looks for missing personns, shadows wayward spouses and like a good Samaritan, haunts dangerous drug-dealers... Not believing in God, Maxime has only principles and a secret, a secret that is so deep in her that she's almost forgotten its existence. The whims of her profession put her in contact with her 18-year-old son, whom she did little more than bring into the world, and her ex-husband, whom she'd done little more with than marry. He is wealthy, and she hates money. Her son is young ; she feels she is getting old. One of her investigations swerves toward the jackpot, a matter usually for the police but which scoops her up and lays her down right in the middle of all her own contradictions : principles, ethics, fairness, morality and maybe even, for the first ime, feelings. Life is hard, Maxime too. They're made for each other.


原題:Pas très catholique

